
Embarkonaheartrendingjourneyintoabrutal,breathtakingworld,anddiscoverthecostofsavingthoseyouloveinadesperatestruggleforsurvival.,Embarkintoabrutal,breathtakingworldtwistedbysupernaturalforces.Diveintothesequeloftheaward-winningAPlagueTale:Innocence,joiningAmiciaand ...,立即到EpicGamesStore下載並遊玩《APlagueTale:Requiem》。查看可遊玩平台和價格!

A Plague Tale

Embark on a heartrending journey into a brutal, breathtaking world, and discover the cost of saving those you love in a desperate struggle for survival.

A Plague Tale

Embark into a brutal, breathtaking world twisted by supernatural forces. Dive into the sequel of the award-winning A Plague Tale: Innocence, joining Amicia and ...

《A Plague Tale: Requiem》

立即到Epic Games Store 下載並遊玩《A Plague Tale: Requiem》。查看可遊玩平台和價格!